Thursday, January 2, 2025

Dear Writers, My Twelve Step Program


Dear Writers,

Look at that happy face don't you wish it was ours?

First, many of us can relate to this author:

1. Write the book.

2. Figure out how to publish it.

3. Spend a month planning your launch.

4. Sell 3 copies… then nothing.

5. Beg all your friends to buy it.

6. Click “refresh” on your sales dashboard 1,627,562 times.

7. Still no sales.

8. Freak out.

9. Spend the weekend crying and eating Ben & Jerry’s.

10. Read the internet and sort through all the conflicting publishing advice.

11. Follow the “Top 837 Ways to Market your Book.”

12. Hustle your brains out.

13. Sell five more copies.

14. Despair.

My Twelve Step Program:

1. Wrote a book

2. Found a darling publisher willing to take a chance on me.

3. Editor/publisher and I edited the manuscript over months of emails.

4. Waited two years until publication.

5. Five copies mailed to me.

6. My hands caressed it's beautiful sensuous cover.

7. Created a website for it. 

8. Announced it to my audience.

9. Sold a few copies

10. Bought more myself than I sold with the intention of selling them myself. However Rule: I could not sell anything unless I was physically present.

11. Missed the deadline for Art in the Vineyard, where they allow authors to sell their wares. The kind enroller gave me a spot at the County Fair. I hauled books to the fair and sat for two days, having fun with the other authors, but sold only one book per day. Who wants to buy a book at the Fair? Well, me. I bought one of the other author's books.

One lady called out to me across the concourse, “How long have you been writing?”

“Since the day before God was born,” I called back. She laughed, and said, “I was there,” and left without coming near me—afraid I might twist her arm to buy a book maybe.

12. My publisher is unhappy with me that I didn’t make us both rich.


The frog calls the rain to settle the dusk for our journey
Off the Grid for One Year
I drew the Frog Card three times from Medicine Cards The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams & David Carson and loved the saying about the frogs calling the rain and settling the dust.  When we got to the island the Coqui frogs, who chirp their own name, sang me to sleep at night. When we got back to Oregon, the bull frogs sounded their big hoarse voices in the night from a pond near by.

Perhaps the Frog's Song is too sweet a title.
Maybe people think its a child's book. 
Perhaps they just don't want to fork out the money for it, or it simply doesn't ring their chimes.
Go back to the drawing board Davis. 
It needs a subtitle, got any ideas?
Go to Hawaii for fun, but before you move there, read this.
Davis, you make a great tourist but a lousy Polynesian.
Off the grid you say? Ha, ha, ha. Wait until the lights go out.
Pele Calls them, holds them, and Doesn't let Them go Without a Fight
And a great subtitle possibility: 

Soon to be a best seller

Ta da! Today is a new day, and I am exhausted after working on an annotated table of contents, for another book.

See writers? Don't give up.