Sunday, July 31, 2022


Don’t you sometimes want to throw yourself out of the clogged stream of life and into a raging river?


I bored myself with The Money Whisperer Newsletter, not the content but the idea of whispering. So, hells bells, SHOUT IT OUT.


Yep, horses respond to whispering. They are in tune with subtle clues. People, not so much.


I need a thump on the head sometimes, in this case, a SHOUT.


Time to get some Umph behind this whole idea of getting rich.


Don’t want it?




However, now that the Oregon Lottery has hit a Billion Bucks, I know that people want money and will pay for a chance to get it. 


You’re writers. You know the many drafts needed, so thanks for listening/reading. You know I love you.




Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Take the Leap

“The highest treason a crab can commit is to make a leap from the rim of the bucket.” –Steven Pressfield

Have you ever decided to start a diet or spiritual practice, maybe you would like to sponsor a child in some far-off land, or perhaps you wanted to run for office. Maybe you wanted to get married, have a child, or campaign for world peace.

You didn't do it, or else the whole idea quickly drifted away.

Are you a writer who doesn't write, a painter that doesn't paint, or an entrepreneur who doesn't begin a venture?

Then you know what Resistance is.

Resistance is a word I got the word “resistance” from Steven Pressfield's book The War of Art.

It means not doing the work you were meant to do.

Did you know that Hitler wanted to be an artist? So at eighteen, he took his inheritance and applied to the Academy of fine arts and later to the School of Architecture. Pressfield asked if we had ever seen any of his drawings. And then commented, and this was a stretch, he said, "but it was easier for Hitler to start World War II than to face a blank canvas."

Actually, Hitler was ravished by defeat. He flunked out of high school and both entrance exams to the art schools he wanted. He was selfish, egotistic, and lazy and would not take any criticism, and this man rose to prominence. You figure.

Many people have been told they have no talent, would never make it, and said, "They're nuts," and went on to do what they wanted.

Pressfield's point is you do your work anyway—even if it's terrible. You show up. You put your butt on the chair.

Resistance hits any health regime, spiritual advancement, diet, any calling in writing, music, education, or political movement.

The awakening person must be ruthless with themselves and with others who sabotage their efforts.

Do you know how often "The starving artist" has been played? Me neither.

Procrastination? Well, what can I say? You know about that. There are always distractions. Ill health, getting into trouble, soap operas—nothing like dad getting drunk, mom getting sick, and junior showing up with a swastika tattoo to set a family spinning out of control.

Do we believe in freedom, affluence, stability, and enough resources to permit the luxury of self-examination? Do we think that the world is advancing, however haltingly, toward a better world?

Or do we view humanity as fallen from a higher state? Do we believe in a philosophy of powerlessness? Do we need a doctrine to tell us what to do rather than decide for ourselves?

I woke up this morning humming, "We're simply soldiers in petticoats." Remember Mrs. Banks in the movie Mary Poppins? The original Mary Poppins was released in 1964. That was 56 years ago! I saw the movie with my mother and little sister, and my mother didn't quite get the laughing on the ceiling scene. What a shot. Ed Wynn was perfect.

"Although we adore men individually, as a rule, they're rather stupid." See what Mrs. Banks could get away with.

That is art.

Don't be insulted, men. We adore you individually, but as a rule, we've had some pretty stupid men circling the globe recently.

Some people might think of Mary Poppins as a frivolous child's movie, but think of this, Mrs. Banks was a suffragette. The Fiduciary Bank, where Mr. Banks worked, was greedy and controlling. The altruistic little boy, Michael, wanted to feed the birds with his tuppence. The parents were distracted and shuffled their children off to a nanny.

I hope I didn't use too many song lyrics from *" Sister Suffragette" by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman. My publisher says that a song company can make you shred your book if you use too many song lyrics.

Don't shred my blog.

Song titles are okay.

Okay, I go to the computer to do "my work:"

But first, RESISTANCE! I check my email. *

Hey, one of you might have sent me something grand.

This popped up:
"$500.00 off coupon for a coaching course to make me beautiful.
"Enrol here," they said.

Doesn't enroll have two L's?

Ha ha. Don't get too serious.

*"Our daughter's daughters will adore us…."

A bit of trivia; In the Walt Disney World in the lost and found, there is a wooden leg with the word "Smith" on it.

*“Being a good writer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the Internet.” Anon

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Writers Want to Make Money Too


Prelude to the first Edition:


There is nothing like talking about money to bring up issues surrounding it.

You know how it goes, you are all focused, you are plunging ahead, and SCREECH! Something knocks you off kilter.

 Last night I watched Planet Earth with Zac Efron and Darin Olien, about Sustainability. Efron and Olien ravel the globe finding people and situations in hopes of finding a way of sustaining the earth. No matter how much you want to argue the cause, the earth is RAPIDLY changing, and it is getting hotter.

While those two men were In the Amazon jungle chasing down Medicinal plants, they received word from home that Malibu, where Olien lived, was on fire. (The Woolsey fire) He didn’t want to shorten their trip and figured he couldn’t do anything about it anyway so they continued, and soon learned that his house had burnt down.

He was grateful his dog was in a kennel, and no one he knew was hurt, but he ended up with all his worldly possessions were now what he had carried with him in his suitcase and backpack.

The trip back to Malibu was devastating.

Here I was focusing on money, talking about money, and writing a newsletter about money while the world was burning.

I felt trivial.

BUT THEN, that was stupid thinking. I was trivializing money, when it is the very thing we need. The thing most people want more of, and the thing that drives the world.

I apologize to money.

It isn’t the paper strips we want. It is the freedom and opportunity money can provide. Including funding trips such as Planet Earth where I learned about the “Blue zones,” where individuals live well past 100 years and how they are living.

For people who say they have enough, I bet they aren’t building wells in Africa, stopping forest devastation, and are having the many pleasures and resources money can provide.

So, I’m going ahead and putting out my Newsletter, The Money Whisperer for the select ones who subscribe to it.

Love you,




Here we go…

Imagine we are sitting across the table from each other, and I just tasted the best Chocolate mousse I had ever tasted.” “Ah,” I breathe in ecstasy, “You must taste this.” I hold up my martini glass—for that is what it was served in, so you can use your own spoon.

 A friend did that to me once by ordering an appetizer of fried Tofu. “Just don’t think about it,” she said.” Try it.” I dipped crispy fried Tofu in the most exquisite plum sauce I had ever tasted—the likes of which I have never encountered since.

 She didn’t ask if I liked Tofu. She didn’t ask if I was willing to try it. Instead, she cut to the chase and said, “Just taste the damn stuff.”

That’s the sort of experience I want here for you.

And I’m not pushing Tofu. I am pushing “Getting Rich.”

 “Oh, gasp.”

 How many books, newsletters, or whatever content you have read used euphemisms to explain what being rich is? They are afraid to say it's having money.

Success might have a slightly different definition.

Success is becoming all you want to be.

Success needs tools. A shop owner needs a shop. A musician needs instruments. An artist needs time to create and tools to perfect their craft. In other words, they need money.

We are all given an inalienable right to develop our mind, body, and soul the best we can.

And that involves money.

Whatever may be said for poverty, the fact is, to be fully successful in life, one must have money.

Hey, I didn’t set up this system.

How do Presidents get elected?


How do kids go to college?


How do we have roads, vehicles, and swimming pools?


I have a yen for sushi tonight. How will I get it?


We have more trouble with money than Luke, Leia, Hans, and Chewbacca did in the Death Star’s Garbage Compactor. (Star Wars, the movie.)

How many heist movies have you watched with hopes that the robbers would get away with it? Sometimes they did, especially if they robbed from somebody who deserved to be robbed from.

The Treasure of Sierra Madre is considered one of the best movies to come out of Hollywood (1948). I remember from that movie that one man’s desire for gold was more than his desire for water when he was thirsting to death in the desert. At the time, I thought that was stupid, and I don’t remember how old I was when I saw the movie. Maybe I’ll watch it again, although I remember it not being much fun. Roger Ebert’s review: “The movie has never been about gold, but about character.”

There you have it.

Yes, I’m sharing my new finds, new information, and new attitude regarding money. But I’m not throwing it out indiscriminately. (Just like I wouldn't let just anybody ride my horse.)

It’s private. A sharing between you and me.

I’m not a financial guru. Instead, I’m a person who believes in growing, acquiring knowledge, and sharing it.

When I came upon this information, I wondered if I should write a book about it. I knew that if I was going to accumulate wealth, I needed to face some of my issues about it, so I began to write—maybe not an entire book full, but a Newsletter full. And twelve installments ought to do it.

I’m giving it only to Subscribers. I don’t intend to throw it out to be ignored or shot at.

Money deserves better.

Your email box might overflow each morning, but you need one more. (Not daily, but weekly.) You need an inspirational one. I hope The Money Whisperer Newsletter will be like one email I look forward to each week, and say, “Oh goody,’ when I see it.

If you would rather have a paper copy of The Money Whisperer, I can send one by snail mail.

That way, you can sit on the porch with the morning breeze puffing your skin, sip your coffee, and be inspired--without ever turning on your computer--you know how distracting it can be.

What better way to start the day? After that read you will feel like singing through the day, “I am rich beyond my wildest dreams, I am, I am.”

And if I have hit a hot button and made you mad at me, you can crumble up the pages and throw them in the garbage.

And, just think, when this The Money Whisperer Newsletter arrives in you e-box, it will not try to sell you anything. You paid for it already. It’s all signed, sealed, and delivered. You subscribed. We’re clear. If you don’t think the value of this newsletter exceeds the price paid for it, you can cancel money-back guarantee. And if I have hit a hot button and made you mad you can crumble up the pages and throw them away.

Money is a touchy topic. And these days we are so afraid of offending someone that we won’t say what’s really on our mind.



If you don’t want to commit to $12.00 for 12 issues, that will be 12- weeks-worth, delivered on Tuesdays; you can hit the one dollar per week per issue, and stop when you want. If you want a hard copy through the mail, please tell me.


Please tap the PayPal button below 


Buy Now to pay $12.00 for 12 Issues


Subscribe to pay $1.00 per week for 12 weeks



Sunday, July 3, 2022

Break out tips for the Writer


Break Out #1

Most everyone writes like most everyone walks. But we don't all strut like Carole Channing in Thoroughly Modern Millie (Movie 1967).


Don't you sometimes want to break free and feel that free abandon with work and with life? 


They say that every kid's an artist. But we're adults, and we have built up some self-consciousness. Or maybe we're in the gap between where we are and where we want to be. 


We have good taste. We can tell when a story doesn't ring true. We think we have a good idea, but we ask ourselves, why do I sound like a freshman when I want to have graduated with a Ph.D.?


It’s the skill we need before applying what’s in our hearts.


Skills can be learned.


But before we study grammar, story structure, plot, The Journey of the Hero, or the mechanics of the Screenplay, we must still the voice that screams in our ears that we can't have the thing we want. 


We hesitate to play full-out in most endeavors. Heavens, we want to dance while we're scrubbing the floor, but we scowl instead. A slight change of attitude, and our time would have been joyful instead of burning sunshine.


(I used to work in an office with a receptionist, who, when totally frustrated would clean the office. It worked for all of us.)


We hear about doing what we love and getting paid to do it, and we try. We hear that life is supposed to be fun but don't feel we have much of it.


It's break-out time.


It might not happen all at once. It might come in spurts, but it will come. We are writers. We have declared ourselves to be, and so we are. 


Now we want to be good writers.


That's called learning our craft.


Once, at a writer's workshop, an author/presenter asked: "Who wants to be a writer?"


Everyone in the room raised their hands.


"Then what in the hell are you doing here?' he boomed. "Go home and write."


Yep, keep at it until…, although I believe some input now and then is a good idea. Sometimes we will hear the one thing that will push us over the edge. (Into freedom, not insanity.)


This sounds as though I'm going for a motivational talk or branch into psychological jargon. 


I am.


But this site pertains to writing.


I feel that writing will take you where you want to go. (Read about "Morning Pages in Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way, or hang in here with me, and I will put my spin on it with the next post.)


Maybe you'll write that book. Maybe you won't. Perhaps you will get published. Maybe you won't. But if you put your butt on the chair every day with the intention of something happening. It will.


Stick with it. You can have a darn good time, and isn't that want we want out of life anyway?


Yes, but I want money.


Well, that too.