Yesterday daughter and I began listening,
on audiotape, to the motivational speaker Tony Robbins. Four years ago in the
shuffle of moving from Oregon to Hawaii I lost my set of Robbins' tapes. As we
were packing to move from California back to Oregon, a sweet friend drove for two
hours to give me copies of his tapes.
Now, isn’t that a gesture worth writing about?
Daughter and I planned to become motivated for success as we drove up I-5 aiming for our new home. Except that with two adults, one 4-year-old in a car seat, two dogs and a cat stuffed into our faithful Toyota pickup truck, it was like this:
I need a cover.
And from dear Zig:

Now, isn’t that a gesture worth writing about?
Daughter and I planned to become motivated for success as we drove up I-5 aiming for our new home. Except that with two adults, one 4-year-old in a car seat, two dogs and a cat stuffed into our faithful Toyota pickup truck, it was like this:
Okay, back to Robbins. The first assignment given by Tony
is to do two things that would change the course of your life.
Two things. Things you have been putting off. Maybe call a person and clear up some misunderstanding. Do the thing you don’t want to do.
My two things?
I finally decided to send my manuscript Mother’s Letters, Daughters’ Secrets to a publisher. I had a publisher on my docket. They wanted a completed manuscript and I was waiting until I had one. I checked their site and found they are not accepting submissions at the present time. Har har. “This summer,” they said.
Two things. Things you have been putting off. Maybe call a person and clear up some misunderstanding. Do the thing you don’t want to do.
My two things?
I finally decided to send my manuscript Mother’s Letters, Daughters’ Secrets to a publisher. I had a publisher on my docket. They wanted a completed manuscript and I was waiting until I had one. I checked their site and found they are not accepting submissions at the present time. Har har. “This summer,” they said.
Okay. Check in with another publisher. Can't find this particular publisher on the web. Har,
har, har. I guess everything is pointing the eBook submission.
So I ordered Corel Draw in hopes of making
a book cover. Any words of advice?
Keep checking in as I follow the tapes I will pass on what inspires me.
Keep checking in as I follow the tapes I will pass on what inspires me.
And from dear Zig:

Some say we need a coach to keep us on
our toes or entropy sets in.
If you want some personal attention you think I can help you with sign in with the contact form at the top of the page. I will get right back to you and will not share your email.
aSoulMan: “We are very good at preparing to live, but not very good at living. We know how to sacrifice ten years for a diploma, and we are willing to work very hard to get a job, a car, a house, and so on. But we have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment, the only moment there is for us to be alive”— Thich Nhat Hanh
Handle stress with grace. In late March, President
Obama was addressing a highly controversial topic during a speech in Jerusalem
when a young man began heckling him from the audience. Not missing a beat, the
president listened while the young man finished his comments and responded by
stating, "This is part of the lively debate we talked about," without
expressing anger or frustration.
Disregarding President Obama's politics, he handled what could
have been a tense situation gracefully and ultimately got a standing ovation
for his quick, collected reaction.